Today is my son, Sam's second birthday. As you can see, I've taught him how to smile. At the moment, he's at Mainly Music with Ness - no doubt enjoying being the centre of attention and hearing his fair share of 'Hasn't time flown by'-type comments.This year hasn't been a great one, but today is a great day. Sam is an unmitigated blessing  - still full of wonder and delight. Admittedly he seems to be...

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So a week ago I was just emerging from my 13 hour ‘recovery sleep’ after GA12. Ever since I’ve been meaning to post some reflections on what was an incredibly fulfilling and infuriating experience!Let me say that I have been deeply humbled by the wonderful feedback to the worship times we led at Assembly. Here are a few of my favourite comments:‘...

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We're nearing the end of our two weeks in the studio. We are woefully behind schedule. We're going to have to book another week sometime soon to do the lead vocals and backing vocals - so this last week has been spent getting all the instrumentation done.Last Saturday, we had a full day over in the Waitakere Ranges recording drums with Evan Cooper. It looked like this...

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So every couple of years, I record an album. Recording an album is a lot different to playing a live show. When you play live, you're creating a song in that infinitely accessible but infinitely illusive space called, 'the present.' But when you record a song, you're trying to make it for a future date, in fact ALL future dates - so that it can stand up to repeat listenings and scrutiny.For example, having owned...

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As many of you will know, I've been running a funding campaign on Social Backing. Its been going phenomenally well - so well its about to become the quickest-funded project in the site's history! I'm learning something about generosity from the inside ;)This money is going to mean we can get someone awesome to mix and master the album, once Matt and I (and Sophie and Evan and Michael and Kirstin and John and Tony...

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So, Ray Coster, the incoming moderator (he's like a Pope that we can exchange after two years) has chosen for his theme, 'Reviving the flame: Living in the power of His presence, and the presence of His power.'Ray's hope is that Christians can move beyond thinking of themselves as 'sinners' and start to understand that in Christ, we are 'saints' - God's children, God's beloved - whichever way you spin it, it's Good News!So I...

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Benji Carey-Smith, based in the Hawkes Bay, but hailing from the hill suburbs of Dunedin is in the process of recording an album of worship songs. Benji has an incredible enthusiasm in his writing and worship leading, and having teamed up with Tom Mepham (another friend of the One Voice Project) the two have created a sound that is rich, full and carries heaps of momentum.Here's a snippet of a song called, 'Mighty Father'. Keep...

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Today I went to the final lecture in a series by Rev Prof William Willimon, an American Methodist Bishop. I was made to read one of his books during my training to be a minister. I went back and read it again when I got out into the parish once I realised he knew what he was talking about.His final lecture was entitled 'The end of the world'. I hadn't paid much attention to the...

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Some of you may have heard tell of changes afoot - most of you wont have, because there hasn't seemed a good time to announce it.For much of this year, we have struggled with our place in parish ministry and the calling and gifting we sense to some sort of music ministry. It really put us in a tale spin for a long time while we grappled with the ramifications of leaving a settled life,...

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Matt Chapman, formerly of Detour180  and Seasons Pass, has signed on the produce the new record with Malcolm Gordon.Matt brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the project, as well as well-tuned songwriter nous. Malcs already has a list of 'fixes' to various songs to make them really fly.Re-writes are happening right now, with preproduction scheduled for late August and the main recording session for mid September.Sophie Macaulay has signed on to play cello,...

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I have been asked to lead worship at this year's General Assembly of the PCANZ (look it up) and the theme is 'Reviving the Flame'. Specifically we want to look at what it means to live in the light of Jesus' resurrection, to be people who are defined by God's redemptive work, rather than confined by our own limitations and frailties.Here's a song I hope to use at GA12 that was written by Natalie Yule...

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