Season of Light 7

The reading from the psalms this week includes beautiful imagery of the touch of God. Psalm 104:31&32:
May the glory of the LORD endure forever;
may the LORD rejoice in his works –
he who looks at the earth, and it trembles,
who touches the mountains and they smoke.
This week is the end of the series I have entitled ‘Season of Light’. As I reflect on the meditations of this season that spans from Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost, I sense God’s call in and out. I’m constantly invited to this life where I live and move have being in him. This is the life of sanctuary and embrace. I’m also invited to step outside with God, into the broad light of his day. This is the life of risk and freedom and openness. Both of these are wonderfully represented by the picture of the archway. We face God’s world in a benediction or sending prayer and we sense God’s presence as we step out.
I’m also reminded that we are his greatest works and he rejoices in us. What if we saw experiencing God as a kind of holy mingling. Jesus elaborates about this oneness with the Father with his disciples in the upper room and promises the Holy Spirit. Read the whole story in John 14. You see, this same God who touches the mountains also touches our spirits. What a wonderful call to worship God with our whole lives.
Below is my meditative prayer:
Season of Light 7
Holy Trinity-
Mingling and rejoicing in your works
You touch our very spirits
So that the glory of Jesus Christ
May be plainly seen in us