I was splitting firewood today. I scored a pile of free wood from an arborist who needed to get rid of it, and today was my first chance to get at with, first with the chainsaw, then the log splitter.I was reminded of how beautiful the inside of a log of wood can be. My favourite is red wattle, it has an almost checkered interior with red and white squares. It fades quite quickly once...

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Is there a more conflicted day in the church year than Palm Sunday? My memories of these worship services growing up don’t tend to attend to this complexity. I remember palm branches and singing ‘Hosanna’ guitar choruses and that's about it.But as I reflect on this day now, I see it as a day of getting it, losing it and realising we never had it.Palm Sunday cannot be a simple celebration of Jesus as Lord,...

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My wife and I have both been reading this wonderful little book, 'The Circle of Seasons' by Kimberlee Conway Ireton, which gives us ways of marking the seasons of the church year as a family. This idea comes from her wonderful book.Lent begins tomorrow with Ash Wednesday, and today is Shrove Tuesday - best known for its association with pancakes. The idea is that we empty out our pantries and fridges so we are ready for...

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I recently did the walk to Homunga Bay from Waihi Beach (a favourite pilgrimage of mine) I'd spent the morning walking and writing songs. An old hymnbook and the rhythm of my feet gave me a few new melodies. I caught sight of these flowers on the big climb up from the Bay back up to civilisation. They helped me remember this passage:"If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never...

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Malcolm Gordon - Beneath the Southern Cross from The Media Clinic on Vimeo.We're so excited to share with you the brand new music video for this wonderful new song, 'Beneath the Southern Cross'. This song celebrates the diversity and richness of the Presbyterian Church here in New Zealand, and the heritage of the story that we are a part of. It is our gift to the wider Church to give thanks for 200 years of...

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Here are some of the songs and resources we used at Assembly and some sheet music and chord charts so you can make them happen at your place. Many of them were written just prior to Assembly so the resources are still coming together.[caption id="attachment_1137" align="alignright" width="233"] One of Becky Phillips pieces from the series, 'Ordinary Places' inspired by Luke 10 - part of the Illustrated Gospel Project.[/caption]The theme song of the weekend was, 'Beneath...

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In the airport lounge about to board a flight with my wife and our two children, I have a hasty phone conversation with a good friend. He is a minister and he wants to pick my brain on the Bible passage he’s preaching on this Sunday. It’s the feeding of the 5000 in Matthew 14. I love these conversations. Being an extrovert I tend to have epiphanies and make new connections as I hear myself...

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I find myself thinking about holiness a lot these days.One of the defining narratives that has shaped my understanding is Moses and the Burning Bush (in Exodus 3). Moses sees a bush burning without burning up. He goes over to investigate. He is addressed by a voice who names him and commands him to take off his sandals because he is standing on________? That's right, 'holy ground'.This story, along with others gave me the impression...

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[caption id="attachment_1051" align="alignnone" width="420"] Good Samaritan, by He Qi, China[/caption]I'm just back from a couple of weeks down south as part of my role helping churches with their worshipping life. During my time I had a number of awesome conversations with some great people serving God in local congregations. One in particular stands out. The minister of this church was telling me how varied his congregation was. Recently a conversation had sprung up in this...

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Here are a couple of resources for worship this Sunday if you're dealing with the story of Thomas and his 'doubt'.Firstly, this great video which might serve as a call to worship. Its from the genius' at theworkofthepeople.com.Secondly - here's my song 'Scars' which begins with Thomas' struggle to believe and moves into an acknowledgement that God uses all our doubt, all our wounds and makes them testaments to grace and hope....

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