Eugene Peterson Tag

Eugene Peterson represents something of a conundrum in our world. When you hear him speak, he is gentle. But when you read his works, he brings a prophetic edge. His words have been provocative and fearless, often wounding in the moment, in the hope of healing in the long run. But those words are hard to marry up with this soft spoken introvert. He is a mystery in that he displayed humility and audacity side by...

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So, my friend Cate is preaching on 1 Corinthians 4 this Sunday at St Peters (where Paul boasts, 'I am the scum of the earth'). Alongside talking this over with her, I've been continuing to ruminate on the Philippians 2 hymn (where Christ empties himself, becoming like a slave) and the idea that we are all made of dirt in the first place (Genesis 2) which Eugene Peterson has helped me to remember in his...

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