Attend to the Ground – a song for Lent

I was asked by a friend in the States for a song her congregation might sing throughout Lent. I didn’t think I had anything, until I remembered one Lent over a decade ago when I went without shoes for 6 weeks. It was an amazing experience, feeling the different textures of the earth under my feet, textures I was so often oblivious to and ignorant of. I realised how insulated I was from the world I was living in, and it caused me to wonder what I might be missing out on. Was I listening, was I attending, was I connected?

This led me to this wee gem. It’s called ‘Attend to the Ground’ and its a meditative piece on the inescapability of grace, the pervasiveness of love, and the need for us to ‘take off our shoes’ and pay attention to the holy ground we walk upon.

a simple demo of the song.

You can find a lead sheet for this song (sorry, no full sheet music for this piece) in the shop here.

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