'Everyone' - that great worship song about the extravagant welcome of God's kingdom is currently sitting on top of the charts at Songsthatunite.com.au - a new site promoting homegrown music to the churches of Australasia. I'm super excited about this, and feel really encouraged that such a bold declaration of God's love and grace is resonating so clearly with people.As if that weren't enough, 'Break the bread' is #5 and 'Christ before me' is #6.And...

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Last Sunday the lectionary gospel reading was Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4.I was reading a book by Mark Chapman, a minister up the road in Clevedon - writing on Jesus' call to the disciples, 'Come and I will make you fishers of men.'Mark reinterpreted that to speak about 'fishing in deep waters' for those 'out of their depths.' He wrote about our eagerness to stay in the shallows, and Jesus' eagerness to take...

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Resurrection scars – an Easter reflection.Scars - demo by Malcolm GordonAs we have journeyed through this season of Eastertide, rejoicing and reflecting on the resurrection of Jesus, I have been musing on one little detail – the significance of Jesus’ scars in his appearances to his disciples once he was raised from the dead.John 20:19-20 reads, On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for...

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So - the recording session with Sam Bennett and Hannah van Dorp went well, but we didn't get through everything we'd have like too. I've run into some health issues so am taking a break for a while to get back on top of things.We're looking at recording something later in the year. In the meantime, here's a track we did get someplace nice. This is a song called 'Restored' based on a message my...

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So we're just a week away from beginning the recording sessions for the new EP.You can check out all the songs we'll be sifting through on our project page here.I'm really excited to be working with Sam Bennett, who'll be producing the sessions up here in Katikati. We'll be laying down acoustic guitars, lead vocals and probably some gorgeous bv's since Hannah Van Dorp just happens to be in the neighbourhood at the same time.Then I'm...

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If you've been a regular at One Voice you'll have an idea that a few songs have emerged in the last 12 months or so, since the 'Ministry' project was completed.I've been hankering to record some of this newer material for a while - and I'm talking a few mates into helping me at the moment. Some quiet days in January are being planned, and at the moment I'm compiling the songs I want to...

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So last weekend I preached on Mary's suspicion around the angel telling her she's 'highly favoured' and that God was with her. Luke 1 tells us that 'Mary was shaken and wondered what was behind a greeting like that.'It seemed to me that we struggle when we encounter full grown love. We immediately want to know what it wants from us! We start searching for ulterior motives. But God's love doesn't seem to have anything behind it.As...

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