I played at the combined Church's service here in Katikati last night. It was in the Anglican Church, and I asked if we could have it in their old sanctuary, because its such a beautiful space. Brendan the Vicar told me that in recent times both Bic Runga and one of the original members of Split Enz had played in there. Katikati has been home for us for the last 4 four and a half...

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If you've heard me speak anytime in the last couple of months, no doubt you heard me banging on about Lazarus and his sister Mary, and her recklessly inappropriate gift to Jesus. You can read about it in John 12 if you want. I have stayed with this passage because every time I have made to move on, it has said something new to captivate and capture my attention.For a long time I have been...

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So I've been having issues with my old Art and Lutherie guitar. The pick up has been playing up, making nasty bangs and pops when I plug it in and move around. Unfortunately, whenever I plug it in, I almost always move around! I love this guitar. I bought it back 2005 in the States, and despite Air Canada's best efforts to destroy it, got it home safe and sound. I've gigged with it ever...

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This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday in the Lectionary cycle. Last week it was Pentecost, acknowledging the Holy Spirit's coming and forming the Church. As I write this, I wonder if it is the coming of the Spirit or the creation of the Church that leads us to reflect on the Trinity? While we want to affirm that God doesn't need us (which would somehow limit his freedom) we also believe that God wants us...

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We're just back from 9 days of music in the deep South. Over those days I played, spoke and lead 13 separate times, from little lounge concerts to communion services to music workshops.I'm a bit tired now that we're home. I fell asleep before tea reading Karl Barth.One memory hangs with me. On Friday night, I played a concert in Burns Hall at First Church in Dunedin. We had a wonderful turn out. Some old...

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On Friday night, I headed to the famous York St Studio to film the music video for the first single from the new album. It was a chance to get some of the musicians together again, with a totally different brief: this time we didn't have to worry about sounding good, just looking good. This was a bit of challenge! Just ask Rowan or Matt how many times it takes to pick up your guitar...

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It’s all about context.There seems to be so many mega churches putting out albums full of generic worship songs that talk about Gods grace and goodness but miss the heart of it all… sometimes it just seems like they are just putting words to paper, and do ‘Worship by numbers’ – now please hear me I’m not saying that these songs aren’t authentic or can’t be used… I just sometimes think they lose their organic-ness...

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This is an image of an icon by an artist called Rublev. It depicts the Trinity, the family of God, sharing a meal at a table. The side of the table that we view the image from is empty, as if we are invited to come and share in fellowship with them.In fact, it isn't 'as if we are invited' - we are. We are drawn and welcomed into this worth-giving, dignity-assuring, value-establishing communion. It...

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Another day off and another new chapter in the Embodied Worship Project. You can read other posts about it here and here. It is my way of using music in worship to explore how we can enact the story of God in our world - rather than just talk about it, or even worse, just listen to someone else talk about it. In the posts linked about I have worked through the movements of 'Call...

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A week or so ago, in the wake of the marriage amendment bill being passed, my good friend Rowan (that's him) made a post on facebook. Without really laying his cards on the table, he acknowledged what an emotional journey the debate had been for both sides. To the 'winners' he said, For those who are now able to marry, congratulations! Marriage is a beautiful thing and I pray that you honor the vows that you...

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