Jul 2018
‘The Grace’ in Te Reo Maori.
I had a message from a friend asking if I had ‘The Grace’ in Te Reo Maori. I was sure I did. I’d used it before. But it actually proved more difficult to find that I expected. In the effort of making it easier for you (and me) next time, here it is.
Kia tau ki a tatou katoa
Descend upon us
Te atawhai o tatou Ariki
The grace of our Lord
o Ihu Karaiti
of Jesus Christ
Me te aroha o te Atua
The love of God
me te whiwhinga tahitanga
and the fellowship
ki te Wairua Tapu
of the Holy Spirit
a ake ake
be with you for evermore
Sourced from Mahi Tahi: Practical Resources for Bi-cultural Partnership ed. Loren Robb, (Wellington, PCANZ, 1992), 40.
Reg Weeks
last of the 5 booklets in the “Gift Toward Partnership” pack produced by Diane Gilliam-Weeks when she was Director of Communications, a great resource.
Malcolm Gordon
Yes, I’ve been wondering if I should scan them and make them more widely available. Whose permission do I need Reg?
Reg Weeks
Diane says PCANZ holds the copyright so probably talk with Wayne. I have a feeling that Jason Goroncy may have scanned them some years ago but I’m not sure what happened to them
Andrew Smith
The Presbyterian Research Centre are in the process of digitising these booklets.
Malcolm Gordon
Excellent news!