Success does a funny thing to you. Our of nowhere springs this desire for more, of the same kind.Yesterday we had another amazing album release gig. This time in Tauranga. I played to my adopted 'home crowd', and a big one it was too. It was a truly wonderful afternoon, with many old friends from Katikati coming to share in the celebration. It was also very special, because Ness (my wife) sang with me. This hasn't...

Read MoreRead More had a wonderful album release at St Columba's last Sunday. We had two wonderful services, sharing some of the songs, and a great chance to talk about the depth and breadth of worship - the rich and living conversation God calls us and frees us to share with him.It was beautiful. People connected. We gave the songs we'd been given, and people responded. They bought albums and took the songs home so they could...

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Here's a chance to meet the people behind the songs. These are a few images from our rehearsals before the album release.The joy of having Sophie play cello is offset a touch by the manner in which we have to travel! Thanks to my last remnants of chivalry, I insisted on having the 'big fat butt' end. In reality, she beat me in a 'best of 7' series of paper, scissors rock.This was the first...

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This morning, like many, I have watched the tragedy unfold in Boston. As one friend put it, what should have been a day for jubilation has descended into cruelty and violence. Reading the comments on internet news sites demanding vengeance tells me this is only the beginning of something, and not the beginning our God would wish for his people.At the same time I have been putting the finishing touches on a new song, drawn...

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Over the last couple of months, I've been watching Eden Finlay, the Dunedin artist (and genius), create artwork to compliment the new album. Its time you got to see a little of his handiwork.It was a truly humbling and inspiring experience to give the songs and ideas over to Eden and watch the inspiration take over. Eden has a gift, and it was exciting to see him turn that gift towards enhancing my songs.As you...

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Upcoming events:Northern Presbytery Youth Worship Workshop. 6th of June, St Columba Botany Downs. 9am-3pm.Adelaide: Songwrite Weekend. 12-14th of June Adelaide West Uniting. Sunday 14th of June Adelaide: Creative Essentials Worship Intensive. 15-18th of June Hope Valley Uniting Church. Sunday 21st of JuneConnect, Ngaruawahia. 17-19th of July  ...

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If you're looking for a reflective song to use this Easter, try this one. Its my first effort at a song about the cross. If you've read any of my recent posts, you'll know this has been a while coming. I've made it available for download if you want to make use of it during the Easter season....

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Last weekend, the whole Gordon clan (all three of us) flew down to Wellington for a busy few days playing concerts, holding workshops and leading worship services. At the heart of our reason for going was Sunday worship with Wadestown Presbyterian Church. Back when I was running my super-successful Social Backing campaign to fund the album, Wadestown got behind it in a big way. They sing some of my songs as part of their worship,...

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Why did Jesus have to die? Why couldn't God just forgive?Part threeJesus had to die to show us the truth of where our version of life was heading, and what it was doing to ourselves, to one another and to God. God couldn't 'just forgive' us because forgiveness requires an acknowledgement of the wrong and the damage that has been done to the victim. And here we see that God is the victim (Ps 51:4).Jesus...

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Why did Jesus have to die? Why couldn't God have just forgiven humanity?Part twoI think the answer has something to do with the fact that sin costs, and that love costs even more. Early on in Genesis Adam and Eve are told that to eat from the forbidden tree means that 'on that day you will surely die'. From Romans, every good evangelical knows what the wages of sin are; death. But rather...

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Why did Jesus have to die? Why couldn't God just forgive?Part OneI must confess, this is a question I have struggled with for most of the last ten years. Its actually a little awkward to admit, but if you look at my albums (which you can here and here) you won’t find a single song about the cross there. I mean it crops up in songs like 'One Voice', 'May we grow' and 'Break the...

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