Season of Light 3
Last week I had the privilege of visiting Iolani Palace in Hawaii. As guests we were invited to view the lower level of the Palace, which included a magnificent staircase and throne room (and the little throne room). What captured me most, however, was the royal dining table. As one of the last guests to make my way through I was able to linger a little longer. I can honestly say I was moved. I observed the high backed chair of the monarch, the elaborate table settings, and imagined being at the table of the King or Queen. It really spoke to me of one deep truth: Jesus invites us to be honoured at his table, the table of the King. It reminds me of the Contemporary English Version of Psalm 23:5&6 –
“You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch. You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows.”
I include another image here from The Illustrated Gospel Project:Luke because it portrays so well Christ’s invitation and favour. The image is called ‘The Lord’s Feast’, the artist is Jessie Boston. It is based on the account in Luke 14:1-24.
Below is my prayerful collect:
Our Courteous Lord
You look beyond all that is inhospitable in us
And win us over and over and over again
Restore us and teach us to honour others
With your uncommon grace