Meta Narrative Tag

If you're new to the idea of 'Embodied worship' - you can read some background on it here.This is the story of how I used it for the first time with a group of unsuspecting workshop participants at the South Island Ministry conference.So I began writing pieces of music that were sparse lyrically, but still rooted in the classical liturgy, which is itself, inspired by the big-story of God's salvation. First we are called by...

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So while I was down south, I led a workshop at the South Island Ministry Conference, held at East Taieri Presbyterian Church. The conference has become a bit of an institution now, in a really good way, and this year I got to lead a seminar entitled, 'Where is music going in worship?'It was a dangerous title. It was also given to me, because I didn't come up with one before they had to send...

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