The inspiration for this piece came when I stumbled across a derelict building site. Broken windows boarded up with ply in a feeble attempt to preserve its current state, succeeded only in blocking out the light while it decayed in the darkness. And that was the state the world was in – darkness. Yet on that day when everyone had lost hope, God’s kingdom was still coming. This work attempts to represent God’s kingdom breaking through into our dark world when all hope was lost. The single slit in the wood references Jesus hanging onto life by a thread in the ultimate sacrifice as well as the curtain tearing in the temple. The light that pours through represents salvation breaking out as well as into the world.
Jesus is nailed to the cross between two criminals. In his most vulnerable moment Jesus comforts one of criminals and promises that they will shortly be together in paradise. Later as he is about to die he calls out to God the Father, offering himself in trust into God’s care. The ‘Hand’s of the Cross’ simultaneously represents both the reaching out of Jesus toward the criminal to provide comfort (despite his nailed hands) and also Jesus reaching out to God the Father to be welcomed home to his kingdom. I chose not to include any faces in the illustration to leave it purposefully ambiguous as to who each of the hands belongs to.
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