I’m just an old man
With an ancient conviction
That God is troubled by our pain
I have no wisdom
Just a fool’s expectation
That God will come to our aid
Through prayer and through pain
My hope has not strayed
Keep watch with me …
My soul aches for dawn
My heart stretched and worn
Keep watch with me …
O my Lord
O my friend
I’m just a lone voice
Frail in the darkness
But the night can only last so long
I’m just a watchman
Eyes to the distance
Waiting for heaven’s light to show
He’s just a small child
From nowhere special
But something tells me, this is it
My heart’s desire
My world’s salvation
A candle in this darkness has been lit
God can I go to sleep now
I’ve stayed awake to the sunrise
With my failing eyes, I see through Love’s disguise In my arms I hold the world.
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