Luke 19 - Zaccheus



Adrian Taylor

Zacchaeus squatted upon a mid-limb
To be close to the heart of the tree
He felt more alive than he could remember
For through his life he began to see

The tree held memories of carefree games
For it had stood there all his days
While he waited for his dad to do business
Underneath the cool of its shade

His path hadn’t gone how he’d hoped
Though he had money and ‘friends’ in high places
Now he was twisted and bent and broke
And couldn’t look people square in their faces

He’d overheard the child’s full story
About Jesus the Nazarene
On his way to Jerusalem this day
Israel’s Kingdom wasn’t a dream!

So he’d hurried through town ahead of the crowd
To see this man for himself maybe
Would prophecy be fulfilled this day?
Only a child would believe that foolishly

So Zacchaeus squatted upon a mid-limb
Suddenly aware of his name
Had the stranger stood waiting all his life
And once been part of his games?

“Zacchaeus, come down, I must stay at your house”
Words of welcome came warm and singing:
A lost and lonely man brought home again
Loved by his Father from the beginning

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