There’s a whole heap of joy
and a whole heap of fear
bubbling away in me
in that place where heart and gut meet
that doesn’t really have a name
but you know it exists because
you can put your hand right there,
and it’s making me want to sing
and puke at the same time,
and you can call me mad
at saying the angel came
and whispered in my ear
that I was chosen
and I’d believe you in my head,
but there’s this incessant
bubbling just there
in that place
where heart and gut meet
that won’t be denied,
and you can say that
I’m a liar
and that God doesn’t associate
with nobodies like me
and I’d know you were right,
but there’s no getting away from
this bubbling
there in that place
between heart and gut
that knows truth when its told
and God
when God appears.
So I will sing…
and then go find a safe place to puke.
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