Malcolm Gordon Tag

We're nearing the end of our two weeks in the studio. We are woefully behind schedule. We're going to have to book another week sometime soon to do the lead vocals and backing vocals - so this last week has been spent getting all the instrumentation done.Last Saturday, we had a full day over in the Waitakere Ranges recording drums with Evan Cooper. It looked like this...

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So, Ray Coster, the incoming moderator (he's like a Pope that we can exchange after two years) has chosen for his theme, 'Reviving the flame: Living in the power of His presence, and the presence of His power.'Ray's hope is that Christians can move beyond thinking of themselves as 'sinners' and start to understand that in Christ, we are 'saints' - God's children, God's beloved - whichever way you spin it, it's Good News!So I...

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