creative liturgy Tag

We had our graduation last night for our 2nd year ministry interns. They've been with us for a two year journey of discernment and formation, following on from theological study and plenty more discernment.To mark the end of this chapter, I wrote a simple liturgy. It wove in themes we had been working through and thinking over during the block course: trinitarian theology, language for God that goes beyond the masculine and the personal, as...

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For a while now, I've been working within a paradigm where worship is much more than the parts of the church service where we stand up and sing. That old word, 'liturgy' which we tend to think speaks of regimented, stuffy worship actually means, 'the work of the people.' It is something we do, make and offer together. If as the worship leader, I end up praying for people, rather than praying with them - then I have...

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