A collection of congregational songs for small churches. This is a downloadable pdf of the songbook. The songbook features both lead sheets and full scores for each song, in congregationally friendly keys.
Small churches are not big churches. Small groups of people with few or no instruments require different kinds of songs in order for them to work. They can’t rely on instrumentation for a lead, because there may not be any instruments. Or if there are instruments, it’s no good the piano belting it out because then we can’t hear ourselves sing. After all there’s only a dozen of us! Small churches need songs that are carried by voices. Our Presbyterian forebears knew this. Unaccompanied Psalm singing, allowing voices and harmonies to offer thanks and petitions to God is a big part of our story. They believed there was nothing more beautiful to offer God than our own voices. Perhaps it’s time to remember and reclaim that truth.
These songs are arranged to follow the liturgical flow of a service, so you can find songs to fit whichever movement you’re after. They’ve also got Scriptural references included to help you build them into a service. The music is in the best possible key for men and women to sing together. The recordings have been done in such a way as to recreate the sound of a small congregation. The reason for this is two fold, firstly so that when you hear it, you are not filled with a feeling of, ‘well we could never sound like that’. Secondly, if your congregation is short of musicians at present, you may find these recordings useful to sing along with.
1. Come one, Come all
2. Beneath the Southern Cross
3. Korowai Tapu
4. The Philippians Hymn
5. The Colossian Hymn
6. O Restore Us
7. How Long O Lord
8. Christ before me
9. Psalm 121
10. Growing Gardens
11. God of our Fathers and Mothers
12. Come now, Breath of Life
13. The Grace
The songs can be heard and downloaded here.
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