Mark 5:1-6:6 - When Death does Not Win

The Madman

The Madman

Image – Fyfe Blair
Mark 5:1-20

I was struck with the change that takes place for this man. The image seeks to be an invitation to consider the destructive life of the man regarded as mad. The description of him and his life is of one tortured; the distortion of one side of his face, the colour, especially red and black depicting his self-in icted wounds and the darkness that overwhelms him. The other side seeks to capture his being set free from all of that. To know mercy and new life, to go and tell. His face is now surrounded by light.
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plus the extra stuff that we couldn’t fit in the book.
But there is still room! Room for what you and your community of faith might create in response to God’s creative Word at work, and at play in your midst.
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