Close up and involved is fine,
But today I need the long view
From the cliff above the bay.
Up the track I go
Accompanied by small bird song …
Now that’s a sound that can’t be heard down below
Down below by the boom of the waves as they break,
and the sigh of moving gravel as they recede.
Not that the beach below
Can’t be heard from here above,
Just that other sounds can be heard
As well as those below.
Just that here above
I can hear above
The noise of down below.
Just that here above
I can see beyond,
Beyond the breakers
To the strait and open sea.
This conversation awaits your contribution.
We have set this website up to share the resources from the book ‘The Illustrated Gospel Project’,
plus the extra stuff that we couldn’t fit in the book.
But there is still room! Room for what you and your community of faith might create in response to God’s creative Word at work, and at play in your midst.
So if you create a drama, a song, a prayer or a responsive reading, we’d like you to share it.
Go, contribute ‘Your Voice’!