Mark 13-14

To Intercede

To Intercede

Song [Reflective] – Lyrics by Adrian Taylor, Music by Malcolm Gordon
Mark 14:32-42

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O let all your sighs and silence be
Prayer for the broken
The scattered and the suffering
O let love intervene

O let all your sighs and silence be
Healing for the wounded
The coward and the dishonoured
O let love plead

O let all your sighs and silence be
Hope for the unloved
The unwanted and the lonely soul
O let love be

O let all your sighs and silence be
Blessing for the pour
The voiceless and the innocent
O let love breathe
O let love intervene
O let love plead
O let love be

Let God’s hand be Christ for the silent
Light upon them

Be Christ for the silent
In utter compassion

Be Christ for the silent

O let love intercede

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We have set this website up to share the resources from the book ‘The Illustrated Gospel Project’,
plus the extra stuff that we couldn’t fit in the book.
But there is still room! Room for what you and your community of faith might create in response to God’s creative Word at work, and at play in your midst.
So if you create a drama, a song, a prayer or a responsive reading, we’d like you to share it.
Go, contribute ‘Your Voice’!