Mark 1:21-3:6 Levi's Speech and the Table Stories

Fatih in Action

Faith in Action

Image – Rebecca Lona
Mark 2:1-12

Mark 2:1-12 is a remarkable story of Jesus’s power to forgive and heal both physically and emotionally. However the healing was enabled by the bold actions in faith of the four men and the paralytic man. This painting captures the moment the man responds to Jesus’s words, “stand up, take your mat and go to your home” (2:11). The ’puppet like’ image shows that while Jesus is always there waiting and willing to hold us, we were not created as inactive puppets waiting for the strings to be pulled. Through the cross, seen re ected on the ground, Jesus left us with the choice to respond or not. It was the paralytic man’s choice to stand up and step out in faith. In doing so, radiant light broke through the darkness that had surrounded him for so long. The temple curtain that hangs from the cross symbolises the inclusiveness of the gospel message for anyone who is willing to reach out to him in faith.
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We have set this website up to share the resources from the book ‘The Illustrated Gospel Project’,
plus the extra stuff that we couldn’t fit in the book.
But there is still room! Room for what you and your community of faith might create in response to God’s creative Word at work, and at play in your midst.
So if you create a drama, a song, a prayer or a responsive reading, we’d like you to share it.
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