
So, Ray Coster, the incoming moderator (he's like a Pope that we can exchange after two years) has chosen for his theme, 'Reviving the flame: Living in the power of His presence, and the presence of His power.'Ray's hope is that Christians can move beyond thinking of themselves as 'sinners' and start to understand that in Christ, we are 'saints' - God's children, God's beloved - whichever way you spin it, it's Good News!So I...

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I have been asked to lead worship at this year's General Assembly of the PCANZ (look it up) and the theme is 'Reviving the Flame'. Specifically we want to look at what it means to live in the light of Jesus' resurrection, to be people who are defined by God's redemptive work, rather than confined by our own limitations and frailties.Here's a song I hope to use at GA12 that was written by Natalie Yule...

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So we're just a week away from beginning the recording sessions for the new EP.You can check out all the songs we'll be sifting through on our project page here.I'm really excited to be working with Sam Bennett, who'll be producing the sessions up here in Katikati. We'll be laying down acoustic guitars, lead vocals and probably some gorgeous bv's since Hannah Van Dorp just happens to be in the neighbourhood at the same time.Then I'm...

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If you've been a regular at One Voice you'll have an idea that a few songs have emerged in the last 12 months or so, since the 'Ministry' project was completed.I've been hankering to record some of this newer material for a while - and I'm talking a few mates into helping me at the moment. Some quiet days in January are being planned, and at the moment I'm compiling the songs I want to...

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So last weekend I preached on Mary's suspicion around the angel telling her she's 'highly favoured' and that God was with her. Luke 1 tells us that 'Mary was shaken and wondered what was behind a greeting like that.'It seemed to me that we struggle when we encounter full grown love. We immediately want to know what it wants from us! We start searching for ulterior motives. But God's love doesn't seem to have anything behind it.As...

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