
If you're new to the idea of 'Embodied worship' - you can read some background on it here.This is the story of how I used it for the first time with a group of unsuspecting workshop participants at the South Island Ministry conference.So I began writing pieces of music that were sparse lyrically, but still rooted in the classical liturgy, which is itself, inspired by the big-story of God's salvation. First we are called by...

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So while I was down south, I led a workshop at the South Island Ministry Conference, held at East Taieri Presbyterian Church. The conference has become a bit of an institution now, in a really good way, and this year I got to lead a seminar entitled, 'Where is music going in worship?'It was a dangerous title. It was also given to me, because I didn't come up with one before they had to send...

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If you've heard me speak anytime in the last couple of months, no doubt you heard me banging on about Lazarus and his sister Mary, and her recklessly inappropriate gift to Jesus. You can read about it in John 12 if you want. I have stayed with this passage because every time I have made to move on, it has said something new to captivate and capture my attention.For a long time I have been...

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On Friday night, I headed to the famous York St Studio to film the music video for the first single from the new album. It was a chance to get some of the musicians together again, with a totally different brief: this time we didn't have to worry about sounding good, just looking good. This was a bit of challenge! Just ask Rowan or Matt how many times it takes to pick up your guitar...

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It’s all about context.There seems to be so many mega churches putting out albums full of generic worship songs that talk about Gods grace and goodness but miss the heart of it all… sometimes it just seems like they are just putting words to paper, and do ‘Worship by numbers’ – now please hear me I’m not saying that these songs aren’t authentic or can’t be used… I just sometimes think they lose their organic-ness...

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Another day off and another new chapter in the Embodied Worship Project. You can read other posts about it here and here. It is my way of using music in worship to explore how we can enact the story of God in our world - rather than just talk about it, or even worse, just listen to someone else talk about it. In the posts linked about I have worked through the movements of 'Call...

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Over the last couple of months, I've been watching Eden Finlay, the Dunedin artist (and genius), create artwork to compliment the new album. Its time you got to see a little of his handiwork.It was a truly humbling and inspiring experience to give the songs and ideas over to Eden and watch the inspiration take over. Eden has a gift, and it was exciting to see him turn that gift towards enhancing my songs.As you...

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