Loose ends

If you've heard me speak anytime in the last couple of months, no doubt you heard me banging on about Lazarus and his sister Mary, and her recklessly inappropriate gift to Jesus. You can read about it in John 12 if you want. I have stayed with this passage because every time I have made to move on, it has said something new to captivate and capture my attention.For a long time I have been...

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So last weekend I preached on Mary's suspicion around the angel telling her she's 'highly favoured' and that God was with her. Luke 1 tells us that 'Mary was shaken and wondered what was behind a greeting like that.'It seemed to me that we struggle when we encounter full grown love. We immediately want to know what it wants from us! We start searching for ulterior motives. But God's love doesn't seem to have anything behind it.As...

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