Jul 2016
The Good Samaritan: some resources for Sunday
Stumped for a new take on a well known story? Here’s some help…
Of course there’s a lovely collection of resources over at the Illustrated Gospel page if you haven’t found your way there yet.
Here are a couple of songs you might like to use for Sunday as we find our way into the story of the Good Samaritan.
And here’s a lead sheet for that one: These Hands – LS (D)
Here’s an earlier song – taking a different approach to the story and the role of our hands.
And here’s a lovely powerpoint you might like to use with that one. Hands
Photo credit to the incomparable Rachel Callander (rachelcallander.co)
Cyndi Hill
I am looking for MY HANDS lead sheet. Is it available for download?
Malcolm Gordon
Hi Cyndi, are you after the song ‘Hands’ from the album One Voice, or ‘These Hands’ off ‘Into the Deep? Malcs