Worship Resources used at Synod AGM
Here are the songs (with links and music where possible) that we used over the two days of the Synod AGM.
God of our Fathers and Mothers by Malcolm Gordon, lead sheet: God of our Fathers and Mothers LS
Resurrection Hymn (See what a morning) by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. Full sheet music available here. Chord chart and lead sheet available on SongSelect: www.songselect.co.nz (CCLI members only).
Beneath the Southern Cross by Malcolm Gordon, leadsheet: Beneath the Southern Cross LS
Open our eyes leadsheet: Open our Eyes – LS
The Call to Worship used during the Friday Evening programme was taken from the ‘Jesus Story Book Bible’. Malcolm’s powerpoint is available for download here: JSBB Call to Worship
The song, ‘Down to the River to Pray’ can be heard here
Other songs we used were:
Here is love, vast as the ocean (https://youtu.be/v8YOPj5TnUM) Here is love chart
Be thou my vision
Shout to the North
10,000 Reasons
Millenium Prayer
Come Thou fount Come thou Fount CC
Lee Kearon
Thank you for sharing these wonderful songs with us at Syod. I hope they spread their message far and wide!