Songs for Sunday – the Good Samaritan


So the gospel for this Sunday is the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Here are a couple of songs that might help you prepare, or enrich your worship this Sunday.

Firstly, ‘These hands’ is a song that speaks of God’s seeking of us and tenderness towards us. Perhaps we are the fool who travelled down that dangerous road on our own. And maybe God is the one we thought was our sworn enemy, but turned out to be our best friend. Is God the one who risks it all to come after us and carry us to safety? Jesus shows us that He is.

Secondly, ‘Borderlands’ is a song that invites us to remember that we are not called to be rescuers, at least not until we have made friends with out identity as the ‘rescued’. We know the good news of a gracious God, but only because it reached us and made us whole first. We didn’t discover it, or create it. This song invites us to travel the dangerous roads with Jesus to find those who have fallen by the wayside.

Lastly, ‘Hands’ is a song that juxtaposes our tendency towards violence and God’s eagerness to heal us and hold us.

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