So something’s happening. I’ve written 3 songs this week, after a hiatus of a couple of months. But every one of them has been melodically born, that is, I get a tune stuck in my head and then have to work a concept to fit. This is unfamiliar territory for me. I like to work out where I’m going, and then sing about it. Somewhat fittingly this latest song is about the Holy Spirit, which by definition is tricky to pin down (like nailing jelly to the wall).
So here is the song, ‘Come now, Breath of Life’ – with the lyrics below. If you want, listen to it a couple of times, and on the second time, try and sing along (if you’re not in an open plan office, or if you are and are really brave). I’d love to know how easy it is to pick up.
Spirit, hover over us
Draw us from despair
Spirit, breathe your breath in us
Recreate us here
Spirit, go before us now
Cloud and fire lead
Spirit, rain upon us now
Grow the Kingdom seed
Come now, Breath of Life
May we soar in freedom as you lift us
Raise us into heaven’s arms
Holy Wind of God
Fill our sails and blow us homeward
Where we’re known as daughters and as sons
Spirit, shine on Jesus here
Making this world home
Break our hearts and pour us out
Making Jesus known
Spirit set our lives ablaze
Burn the barriers down
So all strangers to your grace
Know that they are found
Come now, Breath of Life
May we soar in freedom as you lift us
Raise us into heaven’s arms
Holy Wind of God
Fill our sails and blow us homeward
Where we’re known as daughters and as sons
Where we’re known as the Father’s precious ones
Where we’re held by Jesus in his love
Spirit, hover over us
Draw us from despair
Spirit breathe your breath in us
Recreate us here
Let me know what you think. Thanks to Kirstin and Matt who helped me iron out some little wobbles, and to Rowan, Joe, Jannah and Tom for their blind enthusiasm for the song before they even heard it!
Totally singable! I was singing along second time through 🙂 Great song.
Thanks Zoe, great to hear from an ‘objective’ set of ears 😉
I like Malcolm. Lyrics are simple but clear. And encouraging. And it’s easily singable. I was singing along by the second verse… but then got the change into the chorus wrong! Ah ha! You tricked me. Cool. 🙂
Yes well you’d have been doing well to get the chorus right without hearing it! that would be a pretty special song. Thanks for the encouragement.
Good song Malcolm! I did a pretty good singalong second time through. I’ve just noticed too that Natalie Sims shared your post on songs for Trinity Sunday on her Singing from the Lectionary Facebook page….nice!
thanks Sharon. Great news about Natalie – many thanks for making that connection!
Just returned from the Jackie Pullinger seminar and had to find this amazing song on the internet whilst it was still in my head.
Holy wind of God, fill our sails and blow us homeward . . .
What a privilege to be chosen as daughters and as sons and these words (and the rest of the song) are a real encouragement and reminder of a challenging and blessed day.
Thank you so much
I absolutely enjoy this song. Heard it and “believed” it, if that makes sense. It’s one of these songs that you can hear with your heart.
Thanks Claudia – thats really encouraging!