Songs for Trinity Sunday

trinity knot

This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday in the Lectionary cycle. Last week it was Pentecost, acknowledging the Holy Spirit’s coming and forming the Church. As I write this, I wonder if it is the coming of the Spirit or the creation of the Church that leads us to reflect on the Trinity? While we want to affirm that God doesn’t need us (which would somehow limit his freedom) we also believe that God wants us in his world (which is the choice he makes with his freedom). So is the family of God is complete because we are now aware of the Spirit, or because we have been drawn into that family? Perhaps both!

It reminds me of a story Jesus told about a wedding banquet where there were seats left to be filled, and the length the host went too in order to ensure people could come.

Anyway, if you are preaching on the Trinity this Sunday, here are a couple of songs that might be helpful in your preparation, or to contribute to worship.

Firstly, Sweetest Mystery. I wrote this one year ago for Trinity Sunday. It is drawn from Isaiah 6:1-8, where Isaiah sees the majesty of God and is overwhelmed by the feeling that he doesn’t belong. God reaches out to him to ensure that he has made the way clear for him to belong. His sin is forgiven and his guilt taken away. He is free to remain.

Secondly, One Voice. A song written a few years ago now, inspired by the truth that all of God’s family, Father, Son and Spirit, are at work in bringing us to life and fullness.

Grace and peace be with you as you prepare this week.

  • Amy C Wang

    Quality music!

    May 24, 2013

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