TWO albums coming out soon!

So a while back – we put a funding application in to the Presbyterian Foundation – which funds projects within the PCANZ. We asked for a chunk of money to help complete my new album (mine, as in Malcolm Gordon’s) and Benji Carey-Smith’s debut album.

Benji hails from Dunedin and is now based in Hawke’s Bay, studying at Bible College. He’s been writing songs for years as part of the Flagstaff Community Church in Dunedin – and this collection was recorded with Tom Mepham, another friend of the One Voice Project. You can hear a taste of it here.

Benji and I decided to put in a joint application to the Foundation. Benji needed some money to complete the album and do his promotional tour. I needed funds to cover the design and production of the album. So we asked for $10,000. The Foundation normaly gives out grants between $3000-6000, but they let slip on the application form that the absolute upper limit was 10 grand.

We got $10,000!

That means we can do both of these albums really well, and get them out to congregations around NZ (and maybe beyond). It means I can pay back some mates who have swallowed some of the costs personally (so I can ask them to help again next time without feeling awkward!) It also means the Foundation really believes in what we’re trying to do, and can see the benefit to the wider church, which is a great encouragement to everyone whose involved in both projects. After the incredible endorsement from my social backing campaign – this is yet another shot in the arm to keep doing what we’re doing.

So thanks Presbyterian Foundation! Benji’s album is further along than mine – with a summer release tour being planned (get in touch if you’d like him at your church). We’ve just finished tracking for my album, and we’re aiming at a February release date. Those of you who ordered the acoustic pre-release can expect that in the next few weeks though 😉


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